Everyone has their own opinions when it comes to what kind of crown to get. Inform yourself of the facts so that between you and your dentist, you can find a crown that’s best for you.
There are a number of choices when it comes to materials for crowns including stainless steel, gold, a porcelain overlay fused to metal, all-resin, or all-ceramic options. Your dentist is there to make suggestions to you based on the location of your crown, whether it will be seen when you smile or not, and the amount of wear and tear that tooth takes on. However, if you’re still wondering what’s best for you, let’s take a look at two of the most popular options — gold and porcelain. But first, do you even need a crown?
When do you need a crown?
Crowns are used to repair teeth in many ways, whether to help teeth that have been ground down, create a balanced look for cosmetic purposes, or protect a tooth that had a cavity.
The reason for the crown is important because it will affect which type of material is used. For instance, if the tooth has experienced severe damage due to grinding, gold is more commonly used because it is the strongest and most likely to endure the pressure put forth from a grinder. However, if one is worried about the gold cap being visible, tooth-colored porcelain crowns can be used in coalition with a mouthguard to protect from future grinding damage. And of course, if the crown is capping a tooth that is visible when smiling, porcelains crowns are undoubtedly the way to go.
Pros and Cons of Gold Crowns
Gold has proven to be safe after being used for many years and requires the smallest amount of tooth to be removed prior to the capping. Gold also never fractures, coming in handy for those fellow teeth grinders out there. However, unless you love looking like a leprechaun and showing off a gold front tooth, gold crowns are generally reserved for teeth that are out of sight while smiling. Gold is definitely noticeable if used anywhere outside of the deepest recesses of the mouth.
Pros and Cons of Porcelain Crowns
When it comes to porcelain, there are two different kinds — porcelain fused to metal, and solid porcelain. Porcelain fused to metal provides some of the strength of metal but with the aesthetic look of porcelain, perfect for those molars more prone to grinding. When it comes to solid porcelain crowns they can be more fragile, but are nearly impossible to distinguish from natural teeth; ideal for teeth that are at the forefront of one’s smile.
Now that you are informed of all the crown options, visit your dentist today to discuss which kind of crown is right for you.
Dr. Jay Hazen and our team here at Dentistry for Madison provide a wide range of advanced dentistry services, crowns being one of them.
Call today to schedule your complimentary cosmetic consultation. Dr. Hazen will listen to your concerns and provide you with the best option to improve your smile functionally and aesthetically.