How Does Invisalign Work?

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Many people have witnessed or at least heard about Invisalign’s transparent aligners. Some may have even seen the treatment’s profound results. But there’s one thing many people still don’t fully know: How does Invisalign work? The answer boils down to three easy steps.

The first important aspect to know is that while Invisalign can treat most cases, some may be too extreme for the treatment. That’s why the first step of the Invisalign process is setting up a consultation with a dentist or orthodontist who supports Invisalign to see if it’s right for you.

To get an idea if you are a good candidate, take Invisalign’s free Smile Assessment Test. Just know that no matter what the test tells you, only a trained professional can make the final call. If you are a good candidate for Invisalign, here’s the process you’ll undergo.

Invisalign’s Three-Step Process

There are two key elements that really make Invisalign work – customization and diligence. While customization lies in Invisalign’s patented technology, diligence is up to you. That’s right, what you do (or don’t do) has a huge affect on Invisalign’s process. Here’s how it all works:

1. Get x-rays and impressions taken: Invisalign’s retainer-like aligners are made specifically for your teeth. That’s why the first thing your dentist or orthodontist will do is take pictures and x-rays to see how the roots of your teeth align. They’ll also take an impression of your teeth so Invisalign can customize the aligners to your bite.

Once all the impressions are made and the pictures are taken, all of the information is sent to Invisalign, who produces a video to show you how the aligners will shift your teeth.

Three days later, your video and treatment plan will be ready. If you agree to the treatment plan, your first aligns will arrive in about two weeks for your treatment to begin.

2. Put in the first set of aligners: After Invisalign creates your first set of virtually invisible thermoplastic aligners, they’re immediately ready for you to wear. They’ll gradually and gently shift your teeth based on the plan your dentist or orthodontist lays out for you.

IMPORTANT: Remember when we mentioned diligence? One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is how easy they are to remove. In fact, you must remove your aligners whenever you eat or drink something besides water. However, other than these instances, you must keep the aligners in your mouth for at least 22 hours per day for the treatment process to work.

3. Change your aligners every two weeks: Every two weeks, Invisalign will send your dentist a new set of aligners to replace your old ones. Through Invisalign’s patented design, the aligners use a small amount of controlled force to shift your teeth into appropriate placement.

Not only do the aligners control the amount of force, they also control the timing of when the force is applied. Each new set of aligners only allow certain teeth to move, which is determined by your doctor as they create your treatment plan.

At Dentistry for Madison, you’ll receive three sets of aligners per visit, so you only have to come in to pick them up once every six weeks. Continue this process until your treatment is finished – typically in nine months to a year.

Invisalign may be small and unnoticeable, but it delivers. Through cutting edge technology customized to your mouth, all it takes are three easy steps to transform your smile.